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At Groom, we find strength in learning from each other, inspiring excellence, networking and collaborating, all of which make us more dynamic and significantly contribute to our ability to be the best version of ourselves.

We prioritize a workplace that supports a range of experiences and perspectives, and we are intentional in the steps we take to amplify learning, excellence, networking and collaboration within our own recruiting, retainment, professional development, and client service.

Learn, Inspire, Network and Collaborate (“LINC”) Committee

Groom is committed to advancing learning, excellence, networking, and collaboration in our profession through a dedicated, attorney-led program, the LINC Committee. The LINC Committee was created to develop firmwide strategies and protocols to ensure an inviting and supportive firm culture for all. The committee includes a LINC Leadership Committee and LINC Advisory Board. The LINC Leadership Committee provides strategic direction and coordinates with a number of other firm committees and administrative departments with the support of firm leadership.  The LINC Advisory Board, comprised of attorneys and staff, provides essential insight and feedback to the LINC Leadership Committee on ideas for related programs or suggestions for policy changes.

The LINC Leadership Committee is focused on the following four pillars:

  1. Client Relations
  2. Community
  3. Workforce
  4. Workplace

Women’s Initiative

Groom understands that the firm’s success depends on identifying and removing barriers to success for women, particularly in the legal profession.  

The Women’s Initiative partners with firm management and other firm committees to promote retention, advancement, networking, and leadership opportunities for women attorneys at Groom.  The Women’s Initiative hosts periodic meetings, panels, and networking events—for the women of Groom and our clients – to discuss relevant issues affecting women in business. 

Recruiting, Development & Pipeline Initiatives

Through collaboration with firm leadership, other committees, and administrative departments, the LINC Committee has expanded the ways we recruit and develop attorneys. Groom is continually increasing recruitment efforts at a wide range of law schools to increase our candidate pools.  Lawyers currently working at Groom have many opportunities to develop through our internal programs, but also have the option to learn from external organizations by attending a variety of affinity group conferences and events.

Advocating for Our Community

Our LINC Committee has programs to increase learning, excellence, networking and collaboration not only at Groom, but among benefits attorneys and the legal profession generally by: 

  • continuing partnerships with a variety of bar associations, local law schools, and student organizations to promote learning, excellence, networking and collaboration in the broader legal industry,
  • continuing and expanding pro bono opportunities with organizations to help defend and protect the rights of individuals,
  • reaching out to law schools in order to recruit candidates from a wide range of backgrounds through our participation in job fairs and other recruiting events,
  • encouraging prospective law students and new attorneys to pursue benefits law through our employee benefits career panels at local law schools, and
  • funding scholarships.

Ingrained in Our Culture

The interpersonal relationships that make up Groom’s distinct collegial and collaborative nature are critical to developing and maintaining the firm’s legal expertise and technical knowledge. For 50 years, Groom’s collective voices and diverse viewpoints have driven its enviable success in benefits, health, and retirement law.

At Groom, we celebrate differences and actively seek opportunities to raise the cultural competency of every member of the firm.

Key Contacts

Jon Breyfogle
(202) 861-6641

Related Resources



Minority Corporate Counsel Association