Jenifer Cromwell and Tammy Killion will participate in the Business and Legal Resources (BLR) Webinar, “Wellness: Effectively Promote Your Program and Avoid Common Legal Pitfalls,” on Wednesday, February 2, 2011.  Topics covered will include:

  • The legal pitfalls to avoid when designing wellness policies, so you don’t misstep under the ADA, HIPAA, GINA, Title VII, or other federal laws
  • The limit the law places on the financial rewards you may offer to employees who meet stated health-related goals, and whether you may “fine” those who don’t meet them
  • The impact the recently enacted Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act will have on wellness plan design between now and 2014
  • What you need to know about how wellness benefits are taxed
  • Best practices for getting employees to kick unhealthy habits, such as smoking, in a perfectly legal way
  • How “lifestyle discrimination statutes” could affect your ability to restrict employees’ off-duty conduct

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