Groom principal David Kaleda contributed to the Practising Law Institute’s (“PLI”) treatise, “Climate Change, Sustainable Investments, and Social Governance: Law and Compliance.” Kaleda authored Chapter 8, “ERISA and ESG Investing,” which examines how environmental, social, and governance (“ESG”) factors align with the fiduciary responsibilities under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (“ERISA”).
The chapter explores the legal and regulatory framework surrounding ESG investing for retirement plans, providing key insights into the practical challenges and considerations for plan fiduciaries. Kaleda’s contribution adds valuable perspective to the treatise, offering practical guidance on integrating ESG principles into ERISA-governed plans while maintaining compliance with fiduciary standards.
“Climate Change, Sustainable Investments, and Social Governance: Law and Compliance” is the first comprehensive guide designed for legal and compliance personnel, including asset managers, broker-dealers, investment funds, banks, and insurers. The treatise addresses the growing significance of climate risk, environmental, and social governance factors within financial institutions, highlighting their importance as a market opportunity, a compliance requirement, a reflection of corporate values, and a vital component of prudent risk management and institutional investor expectations.
To read the press release, click here.
For more information on the treatise, click here.