As the end of the year approaches, the question on many retirement professionals’ minds is whether or not SECURE 2.0 will pass. Groom’s senior policy advisor, Diana McDonald, sat down with PLANSPONSOR to discuss the prospect of the end-of-year passage of SECURE 2.0.

McDonald noted that “SECURE is very likely to go if there is a spending bill,” but also added that “we don’t feel so good about the prospects of a government spending bill.” 

PLANSPONSOR also described McDonald as noting that “congressional staffers are still communicating about various provisions in the competing bills, which they would presumably not be doing if they considered SECURE 2.0 to be a lost cause.”

McDonald also added, as reiterated by PLANSPONSOR, “A budget will ‘probably’ be passed before Christmas, and such a bill would carry SECURE 2.0 with it.” However, PLANSPONSOR noted McDonald “cautioning that nothing is certain at this time.”

To read the article, please click here. Follow along for our SECURE Act resources here.


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