The latest stream of guidance and proposals from the IRS and DOL potentially affect numerous aspects of plan operations and governance. The IRS guidance clarifies recent legislative changes in the SECURE, CARES and 2017 Tax Cut Acts. The DOL proposals may result in significant changes in plan sponsors’ longstanding investment and governance practices.
In this webinar, Groom attorneys will review key aspects of this recent guidance, including:
- IRS Notice 2020-68 – SECURE Act guidance affecting the timing of plan amendments, part-time employee coverage requirements, in-service pension distributions, and qualified birth and adoption distributions.
- IRS Notice 2020-61 – CARES Act guidance affecting 2020 funding issues
- IRS Notice 2020-62 – Updated model distribution notices (“402f rollover” notices)
- Proposed IRS regulation on qualified plan loan offset amounts (2017 tax cut legislation)
- Proposed DOL regulations on Proxy Voting and Shareholder Rights
- Proposed DOL rules on ESG Considerations in the Plan Investment Arena