Our policy professionals are able to achieve positive outcomes for our clients by leveraging our substantive expertise and extensive relationships in Washington, DC.

At the intersection of law and policy, we provide unrivaled insight into the legislative and regulatory landscape. Our team of policy professionals maintains valuable relationships with political, economic, and regulatory leaders who directly impact the issues that matter most to our clients.

As a proactive partner, we have the ability to help our clients shape new laws and regulations in this increasingly complex world. With unparalleled experience and collaborative leadership, Groom is the top advocate for trade associations, plan sponsors, financial institutions, healthcare organizations, and other clients from the benefits community.

Areas of Focus

Employer & Sponsor Advocacy

Groom brings its specialized expertise, practical advice, and focused counsel to employers of all sizes and industries.

Health Services Advocacy

We work extensively on behalf of our clients to help shape healthcare policy at the state and federal level.

Retirement Services Advocacy

Drawing on our substantive experience and leveraging our inside-the-Beltway connections, Groom advances retirement policy for employers and service providers.

“Groom is very proactive. They often have attorneys that have worked in important places in this sector. We listen to their inside view of things that help us get ahead.”
– Client


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Groom Event



This Week From the Hill



This Week From the Hill